"(O)USAR A LITERATURA" Book Presentation
Professor Jorge Soares (ACL, FCG) & Professor Maria de Jesus Cabral (FLUL, PMH)
(O)USAR A LITERATURA. Um laboratório de leituras para a reflexão em saúde
The Project inMedical Humanities and Project SHARE (Health and Humanities Acting Together) are glad to invite you a presentation session for the book titled (O)USAR A LITERATURA. Um laboratório de leituras para a reflexão em saúde. This book, published by De Facto Editores, was organized by Maria de Jesus Cabral and Marie-France Mamzer, and consists in the Portuguese translation of Médecins, soignants, osons la littérature! Un laboratoire virtuel pour la réflexion éthique (Paris, Sipayat, 2019).
Under the guise of a commented critical and literary anthology, this book presents itself as a contribute to the training of healthcare professionals through literature, following the essential principles and practices of Medical Humanities. It counted on the collaboration of many PMH Researchers.
Chaired by Isabel Fernandes
The presentation will occur online via Zoom, on March 11th 2021, at 5 p.m. (GMT). The event will be open to the public, and can be accessed using the following details:
Link: https://zoom.us/j/94938585890?pwd=Nk1QMk8yZUQ2Y2sybUN6VTJ2TExlQT09
ID: 949 3858 5890
Password: sYgsL0
We hope to see you there!